07 April 2021

World Health Day

Teleworking, lockdown, closing sports facilities… the actual necessary measures to fight against the pandemic profoudly affect our everyday life. The consequences are various and affect our mental and physical health.

One of the consequences observed by ONAPS (which can be translated to National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle) is the increase of sedentary lifestyle. A person is considered to be sedentary when sitting for 7 hours a day or more. 

According to ONAPS, in Europe, 70% of the population  spends more than 8 hours in a sitting position every day.

The risks of a sedentary lifestyle

Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle is associated to an increase of risks to develop a cardiovascular disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. 


Also a source of depression, anxiety and stress, a sedentary lifestyle is considered as a global public health issue by WHO (World Health Organisation) et is responsible for more than 10% of deaths in Europe. 

Get into good habits

However, by slightly changing our habits, it is easily possible to change this situation. 👍 


There is no necessity to be a great athlete to increase their lifestyle quality. Taking the stairs instead of the lift, going shopping on foot instead of taking the car, not sitting for more than 20 minutes are perfect examples of small changes that can be easily applied to every day life

 That is why, with the collaboration of  B2C Engineering, we want to raise awareness among our employees about the risks associated with sedentary living and establish new habits during this delicate period. 💻🏠


With the well-being and health of collaborators being our top priority, we organized two internal activities :

  1. 🧐 A 10 questions quiz with the goal to test the knowledge of our collaborators on sedentary lifstyle and its risks. 
  2. 🤸 An amazing 5 steps sports program “made by B2C Group”, fullyadapted to telework, that does not require any equipment.


What are your good habits to move more ? Tell us your best practices on our LinkedIn post published on the occasion of World Health Day



#santé #bougezplus #mora